Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

After yet another of her mother's failed relationships, Amber established a set of rules to protect herself. However, after living by these rules for several years, she began to realize that they were keeping her from enjoying a multitude of wonderful things.

• Pro: I am going to start with the most important thing. This book featured a fantastic dog, Buffy, and the dog lives!!!!

• Pro: Amber worked in a pet store, and part of her job was training dogs. I had a magnificent time at puppy lessons, and loved that Buffy got a fair amount of page time as well. I believe dog lovers will appreciate and enjoy all these moments.

• Pro: There were lots of great friendships in this story, and I especially liked the one between Amber and her best friend, Hannah. Hannah was there for support, but was also a straight shooter, when necessary, and she played a big role in Amber's growth process.

• Pro: Those who know me are aware of how much I abhor loose ends. Well, I am happy to report, that Williamson gave me enough closure on all the different plot lines, and even if I would have liked a jump ahead, I still had answers which satisfied me.

• Pro: Blended families can be tricky, and it was great watching Amber develop her relationships with Kevin and his daughter, Cammie. Also, Kevin was a gem, and I grew really, really fond of him.

• Pro: Saving the best for last - the romance! I adored Jordan, and I am all warm and fuzzy just thinking about these two. I know I wore a stupid grin on my face as their relationship blossomed and flourished. It was sweet and precious and everything first love should be.

Overall: This was a solid read for me. I loved the focus on family, friendship, and learning to open yourself up to possibilities.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 4 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 4 June, 2019: Reviewed