Charlie is the debut short thriller from Shana Hammaker, the first in a series called Twelve Terrifying Tales for 2011. It had all the elements of a good thriller: blood and guts, suspense, unexpected twists and turns. While it was definately dark, it also had a lot of unexpected humor in the inner dialogue of Alex. The characters were well done, making it easy to get lost in the story. Hammaker drew you in with Alex, making you experience the story from her point of view, while ALex's boyfriend Geoff was clearly set up to be the less likeable character. That character development directly lent to the surprises of the unexpected twists and the ending, which I won't spoil!
And while I won't give away any spoilers, I will say that the ending thoroughly surprised me as I didn't see it coming at all. That is what makes a great ending, that surprise!
Reading updates
Started reading
16 February, 2011:
Finished reading
16 February, 2011: