Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


My heavens was this another cracking good read from this author. I really enjoyed her book THE SOCIAL AFFAIR but I LOVED this one. After I finished the previous book I was left super intrigued to learn more about the church and especially Tom, and I got that and more with this book. The writing was fantastic. It was very well paced. The plot was super engaging and kept me on my toes with the twists and turns. And that ending...LOVED IT! 

There isn't a single likable character in this book (lol). That said, I thought each one of them was deliciously duplicitous. They were well written. They were intriguing. It was like watching a mindf-ck battle of wills. 


I LOVED it! It made for a nice change of pace to step outside my usual genre of "romance" and into a well crafted psychological thriller. Fantastic writing. Interesting characters. Excellent twists and turns. What more is there to say. This one gets two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 2 May, 2018: Reviewed