The Earl's Inconvenient Wife by Julia Justiss

The Earl's Inconvenient Wife (Sisters of Scandal, #2) (Allied at the Altar, #2)

by Julia Justiss

The obvious solution:

A marriage of convenience!

Part of Sisters of Scandal: Temperance Lattimar is too scandalous for a Season, until finally she's sponsored by Lady Sayleford. The whole charade feels wrong when she doesn't want a husband, but Temper feels awful when MP and aristocrat Gifford Newell is appointed to "protect" her at society events. With her past, she knows she's not an ideal wife...but then a marriage of convenience to the earl becomes the only option!

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Temperance (Temper) Lattimar is too scandalous really because of her family. Lady Sayleford decides to sponsor her and allow her the season she has to have in order to fulfil her dream of releasing her dowry and travelling the world. In order to keep things above board Lady Sayleford recruits her godson to squire her around. He's the second son, an MP and aristocrat, Gifford Newell and a friend of her brother.The two of them embark on the social round and discover that really only one person is distracting them, each other. Then scandal forces them into a marriage of convenience and it gets complicated by both of their pasts.I liked the two of them and the tenderness Gifford gave after the marriage. It was sweet and gentle and lovely and the two characters seemed to be good foils for each other. Really enjoyed the read.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 12 August, 2019: Reviewed