Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I wasn't sure what to expect going into Glimpse, but I ended up really liking it! It's just a few days before Dean's birthday, and on his way to school he witnesses a mugging. He stops to help the man left for dead and becomes the town hero. He also starts having creepy hallucinations of people dying. His father tells him that this is common after a trauma, but Dean knows it's something else. The man he helped had whispered "glimpse" before losing consciousness, but what does that mean?

Glimpse is very fast paced! There's no long, drawn out pondering on what's happening. Dean talks to his two best friends, they go visit the man in the hospital, and then talk to his brother, easily putting the clues together. Dean quickly learns that he's seeing people who will die in twenty-four hours and it's up to him to save them. However, it's not quite that simple and more research leads to the truth about his new found ability. It's not the curse Dean originally though it was once someone he cares about is in danger.

Glimpse is a very quick read. I finished it within a couple of hours. I couldn't put it down, since I was really interested in what would happen next. I loved how Dean had a great support system from his friends and his parents as he's struggling to understand what's happening to him. The ending wraps up nicely, but there is some sense of foreboding. I'll definitely be reading the sequels!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 2 May, 2014: Reviewed