Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Lance St Leger is the eldest son and heir to Castle Leger and he's restless. He can allow his spirit/soul/consciousness/whatever to drift around in the night while his body remains behind (he/the author refer to it as "Night Drifting", most others call it Astral Travel). When he loses the family sword he decides to go hunting in this way, seeing as he had been at a fancy dress party as Lancelot the Knight this is what he appears to be when he's travelling and how he appears to the young widow Rosalind when he drifts into the inn she's staying in.

Rosalind falls for Lancelot and he falls for her, but she's in love with Lancelot the ghost rather than Lance the person, will he win her over?

It's a fun historical romance, technically the second in the sequence but the first in the next generation, the first book being about the parents. There are some very funny moments where Lance is trying to put himself forward as being a nice guy really but Rosalind is clinging to some very romantic notions about love and also trying not to be forced into another loveless marriage.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2009: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2009: Reviewed