Pornstar by Ian Gittler


by Ian Gittler

"Pornstar" is a mesmerizing, definitive examination of life at the epicenter of Americas multibillion-dollar sex entertainment industry.When Ian Gittler began photographing porn stars, his intent -- however suspect -- was to glamorize and legitimize their lives and work in the same way top photographers generally portray the porn stars' mainstream Hollywood counterparts. Girder envisioned a celebrity coffee-table book with gorgeous. enticing photography that would provoke a reevaluation of fame in our culture.But as the author journeyed into the surprisingly accessible "underground" world of porn, his glossy, conceptual approach gave way to one of grim resolve. Gittler couldn't ignore the...Read more

Reviewed by Kevin Costain on

4 of 5 stars

It's a wild, debaucherous, 1990s ride through an industry so often shrouded in hate or taboo. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but mostly fluff. What you have here is a person interviewing these people (pornstars) as people. Glitter even seems to get to know some of them well. A fascinating record of history.

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  • 3 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 3 January, 2020: Reviewed