Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

by Beth Fantaskey

Seventeen-year-old Jessica, adopted and raised in Pennsylvania, learns that she is descended from a royal line of Romanian vampires and that she is betrothed to a vampire prince, who poses as a foreign exchange student while courting her.

Reviewed by e_rodz_leb on

5 of 5 stars

I have to say that I picked up this book from the library out of curiosity. I'll never regreted and I intent to buy a copy to keep! I love this book. ****Spoiler's Follow****

Jessica is in denial for a better part of the book which was a little anoying. Proof was all around her that both, her parents and Lucius were telling the truth, but she refused to beleive them until it was almost too late. Fantaseky develops the story beautifully, with strong characters. I laughed out loud reading Lucious letters. I feel in love with him.

For fans: check out Fantaskey's website for treats such as the weeding! I hope she gives us a second book about Jessica's (Antanasia's) development into her role as princess and maybe even make her a queen.

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  • 22 February, 2010: Reviewed