Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

The story began with the main character, Reverend (Rev) Walker imprisoned by the Council. The Council is an evil organisation made up of supernatural beings whose main intent is to gain absolute power. To achieve their goal they enslave and imprison supernatural beings who they feel are inferior to them but have powers they can utilise in their quest for power. Reverend a vampire and former assassin for the council, turned leader of the Blood Ravagers gang, was one such supernatural. He is determined to destroy the Council and put an end to their tyranny; however, capture and imprisonment were not a part of his plan.

Claire Devereux is a Dygarian (Shadow Shifter) and the last of her race. She has been a slave to the Council since childhood. Circumstances have led to her being imprisoned, but her determination to escape and take revenge on the Council and the assassin who had destroyed her family gave her the will to survive. To achieve her goal, she sought the help of the vampire Reverend Walker. What she did not know, however, was the man whose help she sought was the one she wanted to destroy.

One thing I noticed that is common to most paranormal romances is the speed in which the main characters falling in love. Blood Vowed was no exception. The moment Claire and Rev their desire for each other was evident. Initially, Rev tried to fight his attraction to Claire because of the guilt and secrets he harboured as it relates to responsibility for her race's extinction. However, this battle would prove his hardest.

The writing pulled me in. The story flowed, and the pacing perfect. The intense action and the gripping suspense made for an exciting read. I enjoyed the banter between Rev and Claire, which I found funny, endearing and sweet. Watching this powerful and deadly vampire brought to his knees by love was a remarkable sight. She brought out feelings in him he thought dead and buried. I found his remorse for his past actions genuine, which, is evident in his attempts tried to make amends with Claire.

I loved Claire. She is self-conscious when it comes to her appearance. This was expected in light of her confinement since childhood. Then if you had green skin and red hair, you may have a reason to be insecure. Anyway, on a serious note, she is not a woman to sit back and wait for things to happen. She will go toe to toe with her enemies. She is a determined woman and once she puts her mind to doing something there is no stopping her as Rev soon discovers.

I liked how the situation between her and Rev was resolved. I loved how the battle scenes unfolded, and I found the outcome epic.

Blood Vowed is a story that I read quickly and with lots of enthusiasm. I cannot wait to see what next the author has in store for her readers.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 April, 2017: Reviewed