Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

I don't even know where to begin this review except that I was just completely smitten with this story. Wildcat is just one of those stories where you'll be smiling and giggling to yourself the whole time. Well it may not be the case for you, but it was for me. It had me giddy the entire time. Besides loving Quinn and Cat so much, the other characters made it so much more. Can we pleaseeeeeeeee have a book about Denver?! When it comes to secondary characters, he was my ultimate favorite and I want him to find his happiness, even if there's no someone special involved.

OK, back to the review. I fell in love with Max Monroe's work during the Billionaire Bad Boys series (highly suggest that one). Anywho, Quinn is just a sweet fun-loving dude. I know when it comes to romance, everyone's used to the typical playboy, not that Quinn is celibate, but it's not broadcasted as much. It was a nice change for once. I loved his confidence and his persistency especially when it came to Cat. He knew what he wanted and he'd do ANYTHING to get it. Probably a bit borderline stalker mode, but because it's Quinn, it wasn't creepy at all. I appreciate a dude who is willing to put the work in to go after the girl. And it's not like Cat was playing hard to get, she was having trouble wrapping her mind around someone like Quinn.

And we have Cat, flight-attendant extraordinaire. Let me start off by saying that I give flight attendants or anyone who works for an airline major props. I have several friends that work for an airline and it is not sunshine and rainbows. Yeah sure the benefits can be amazing, but seriously, they all need to have the patience of a saint and wear a damn smile like their life depends on it. But they also make some of their closest friends through work, which is evident that Cat has because she has hilarious and awesome friends ... like Casey. Meeting the hottie sitting in 2A, she never expected to see him again after her flight. But chance had it, that they would ... on that midnight train. After their train ride together and some amazing conversation, numbers were exchanged and Cat thought it was the end of the that. Boy was she wrong. Quinn couldn't get enough of Cat and wanted more, which means booking more flights that just happened to coincide with her work schedule. I lovedddddd seeing him fight so hard for her, makes you just love this guy even more.

I loved Cat's reaction to the whole professional football player taking interest in her. I'd say it's a very real reaction I'm sure many of us would have. Plus, it's even better when she had no idea who he was in the first place.

There are so many things to love about this book and it was such a refreshing read. I can't wait to read more from this series, but hopefully, we get some cameos of Quinn and Cat. Wildcat is definitely going into my list of #RSFaves for 2018!

**ARC provided for an honest review**



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  • 5 February, 2018: Reviewed