Slightly Shady by Amanda Quick

Slightly Shady (Lavinia Lake and Tobias March, #1) (Lake and March Trilogy)

by Amanda Quick

Passion and suspense combine in this glorious romp through historical Rome and England. When a mysterious stranger kidnaps Lavinia Lake and her niece from their antiquities shop in Rome claiming to be a spy in pursuit of a murderer, Lavinia is sure that he is trouble with a capital T. When the mysterious agent rudely hustles them back home to England declaring that he came to save them, the Roman proprictress is positive that Mr Tobias March is bent purely on her destruction and not her salvation and she vows to repay Mr. March for his perfidy in full....Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Starting with the destruction of Lavinia Lake's antiquities shop by a Mr Tobias March who is in pursuit of a killer and determined to save Lavinia from possibly herself. The two end up teaming up in London and find themselves sharing adventures and terribly attracted to each other.

It's a fun read, nothing to get terribly excited about and if you scratch the surface there are a lot of historical inaccuracies lurking but for it's type it isn't bad.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 1 February, 2009: Finished reading
  • 1 February, 2009: Reviewed