The Radiant Seas by Catherine Asaro

The Radiant Seas (Saga of the Skolian Empire, #4)

by Catherine Asaro

Catherine Asaro's new novel in the saga of the Skolian Empire is a direct sequel to Primary Inversion. The Radiant Seas continues the story of Sauscony and Jaibriol, each the heir to an interstellar empire, as their lives become entangled again in the machinations of the Skolian Empire. They are beginning to pick up what's left of their lives, in exile on a deserted planet with their children, when the fate of much of the known universe comes to rest on the shoulders of their fragile young family. Interstellar war erupts, and Jaibriol is snatched away to be the unwilling ruler of the Highton Aristos. Sauscony must fight her way at the head of an invading space fleet to rescue him from his own empire - without revealing that they are married. And with much of interstellar civilization poised on the brink of destruction, it is the devotion of these two lovers, their sacrifices and their heroism, that might just found a new order. That, and the existence of their teenage son, who is the genetic heir to a legacy of pain he must rise above.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Sauscony and Jaibriol are in exile on a deserted planet, being happily domestic and happily away from the politics that could keep them apart. Things get more complicated when Jaibriol is snatched away and brought back into the politics of the Highton Aristo world, where he is the Emperor, but also, as a psychic, a puppet of the ruling caste and a valuable toy.

Sauscony has to try to rescue him and if that takes bringing in the Ruby Empire, so be it. However the repercussions could be terrible, and whether or not there will be a world where they can live in peace, is a major question.

It's one of the better of this series, she continues to be quite readable, but it's not amazing.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 March, 2008: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2008: Reviewed