Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed the conclusion to the Timely Death Trilogy as much as I did the other books. Even though it’s been close to a year and a half since I read the last book, I easily reentered this really great world that Shannon A. Thompson has created. I’ve always enjoyed this world of light and dark – with the dark (shades as their called) representing the good and the light the bad – and things got more complex with the conclusion.

My only complaint in the previous book, Seconds Before Sunrise, was Jessica. She wasn’t herself for most of that book and it had been frustrating – but Jessica was back to herself in Death Before Daylight! It was so great to have her back, and she really grew into herself and her role. She had to make a lot of tough decisions, had to trust herself, or trust Eric, at times that lives were at stake. Not something anyone, let alone a high school Senior would want to deal with, but she did and well.

Eric was the frustrating one this time, but like Jessica in Seconds Before Sunrise, it was necessary and out of his control. And he handled things about as well as could be expected. It was realistic, which I prefer to unreasonable reactions to situations.

I also really enjoyed getting closer to some of the other characters – Crystal, Robb, Zack, Pierce, Linda – and getting to know secret identities. It’s always fun when the veil comes away and your completely shocked – which I was. Repeatedly.

It was a really satisfying conclusion, with all the questions answered, and a definite plan for the future (though plenty of questions too – maybe they’re will be spin offs?), a lot of twists, and even a few tears. Looking forward to more for Shannon!

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  • 27 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2016: Reviewed