Hope(less) by Melissa Haag

Hope(less) (Judgement of the Six, #1)

by Melissa Haag

Gabby's brain is like a human fish finder. It comes in handy when she wants to avoid people. Mostly men. They seem to like her a bit too much. It's lonely being different, but she's adapted to it. Really. She just wishes she knew why she is different, though.

In her search for answers, she discovers a hidden community of werewolves. She immerses herself in their culture, learning about their world until she meets Clay. He's unkempt, prone to mood swings, intense without saying a word, and he thinks Gabby is his.
It's going to take every trick she knows to convince Clay to go away, and every bit of willpower not to fall for him when she discovers the man beneath the rough exterior.
Delve into a riveting world of werewolves and young women with unexplained abilities, in Hope(less).

Judgement has begun...

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I was given a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Hope(less) is a story about a girl named Gabby, she can see colors around people, that isn't an aura. One day walking home from her volunteering at the hospital she noticed a different color on some guy she saw by the water. Much to her surprise he ended up being a werewolf named Sam.

After getting to know Sam, she learned a lot about werewolves, and ended up moving in with him as her foster parents were expecting a child of their own.

Once she turned 18 Sam wanted her to go and be introduced to all the unmated males in his pack. While she didn't agree with it, she went, because she was hell bent on not letting other determine her life for her and she had goals of going to college and making a career for herself.

Well during the last Introduction she met with a massive amount of wolves, and none sparked nothing in her, until she was walking back into the house and the seclusive and quiet Clay was standing there. Boy did this urk Gabby off, this was not supposed to happen. So her aggressive and stubborn nature confronted this tall dark and silent man, and said somethings she shouldn't have, did it seal her fate though?

Gabby gets to her new house and meets her new roommate Rachel, just barely gets settled in when a strange dog comes almost literally knocking on her door, ok,ok,ok he sat down on the towel next to Rachel in the backyard when they were going to sunbathe together. But after a few minutes the bells clicked and she realized her words had come back to bite her in the butt, because the giant dog was Clay in his wolf form.

Throughout this book Gabby learns to communicate with Clay because he refuses to talk, and she learns to trust him, and she in a way learns to love him. However, there's a new color she's seeing with some wolves, it's bugging her not having the answers she needed, meanwhile Clay keeps getting challenged by other unmated wolves. One night Two of the "other" wolves had came to her house and tried to take her, and attack Clay, well one of them so happens to have the same connection to her as Clay does. This confuses the hell out of her.

Will this be the end of everything Clay has worked for in getting Gabby To claim him? Will Gabby claim him even though there is another potential mate for her? What is going on with the "other" wolves?

This story enthralled me to no end. The writing was superb, the story in itself was extremely creative and original. I give Melissa Haag 5++ stars for this book. I just hope we'll get to see more of Gabby & Clay in future books, and now I'm dying to get my hands on the next book.

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  • 27 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 27 June, 2013: Reviewed