Sanctuary by Meg Cabot, Jenny Carroll

Sanctuary (1-800-Where-R-You, #4)

by Meg Cabot and Jenny Carroll

Jessica Mastriani knew she wasn't going to be able to hide her psychic powers from the US government forever - but she never thought that she'd actually have something in common with one of their agents! Especially as that agent is Dr Cyrus Krantz , who had previously been brought in to 'convince' Jess to join his elite team of 'specially gifted' crime-solvers, when all they were after was using her special skills for their own ends. But when a local boy's disappearance and untimely death is attributed to a backwoods militia group, Jess' goal - to find another missing local child - and Dr Krantz's - to stop a group of madmen before they kill again - turn out to be one and the same...

Reviewed by ammaarah on

3 of 5 stars

"The peace sign is with two fingers, not one. Don't they teach you children anything in school these days?" (Great Aunt Rose)

⛈️ Jess is an awesome heroine. She's witty, feisty, honest and she doesn't stand for any nonsense. In Sanctuary, she has her moments of silliness and stupidity, but because she's so real about who she is, I didn't mind it.
⛈️ Ultimately, I had to suspend disbelief while reading Sanctuary, especially towards the end, because the events that occur are utterly absurd and unlikely.
⛈️ However, Sanctuary is a fast-paced and entertaining read and the characters are so real, so the absurdity ends up being hilarious and comical.
⛈️ I couldn't stop laughing while reading the events that occur towards the end of Sanctuary. That moment where Jess drives the truck over the non-existent bridge will stick with me for a long time.
⛈️ In the beginning, Dr Krantz is portrayed as such a formidable and scary figure and I like how Jess's view towards him changes. The scenes involving Dr. Krantz provide some light and humourous moments.
⛈️ Jess's internal monologues about Rob are utterly hilarious. She has such a huge crush on him and tries so hard to act cool, calm and collected around him.
⛈️ Jess and Rob make my heart happy!
⛈️ The Mastriani family dynamics rule.
⛈️ Also, Douglas falls in love and it's so adorable to read about.
⛈️ Sanctuary feels slightly weaker in comparison to previous books in the Vanished/1-800-Where-R-You series. I can't put my finger on why I feel this way though.
"Love. It makes people do the craziest things." (Jessica Mastriani)

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Reading updates

  • 19 October, 2018: Started reading
  • 20 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 2 July, 2016: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • Finished reading
  • 2 July, 2016: Reviewed