Reviewed by Amber on

4 of 5 stars

Full review here:

I think the title alone gives you an idea of how humourous this book is, doesn't it? I went in expecting a cute contemporary with some wit and some funny scenes, but instead I ended up falling in love with April and with Sarah's writing. That's not to say that Ten Things isn't funny, because it definitely is. It had me laughing out loud all the time while reading it.

I read this one overnight. I think that shows how much I enjoyed it, and how much it captivated me. I start a book before bed, and sometimes, when a book is really good, I can't put it down until I've finished it. That is what happened with Ten Things.

Like I said, I fell in love with April. She's an awesome character, and she went through so much in the short amount of time this book takes place in. She had to deal with her mother and brother living in France, and her dad and his perfect new wife moving away. No wonder she wanted to stay with her friend, right? I thought it was hilarious that she was lying to her dad, and how she and her friend set up accounts to exchange fake emails between their parents.

I was looking forward to a huge blow up reveal at the end, in which April confesses, or her dad finds out that she and her friend had been living on their own, but that never happens. That was a little disappointing.

I loved the secondary characters, especially Hudson and... I've forgotten his brother's name, but I loved him too, I promise! I think it began with a G... But anyway, these two brothers were brilliant. I just wish there had been more Hudson! He was AWESOME. And hot.

I hated April's boyfriend, Noah, though. He was a scumbag, and can go rot in a hole. Harsh? Perhaps. But I really don't like the type of person he is. Throughout the book I was praying for April to dump his ass and get together with Hudson.

The final thing I wanted to talk about was how Sarah Mlynowski dealt with teenagers having sex, and STDs. I'm struggling not to spoil you, but I just want to say that the author deserves an applause for doing this. I've never seen STDs mentioned in YA lit before. Sure, there's been pregnancy scares in the books I've read, but no diseases. Four for you, Ms. Mlynowski.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 11 November, 2012: Reviewed