Someone to Love by Donna Alward

Someone to Love (Darling, VT Novel, #2)

by Donna Alward

Ethan Gallagher is a firefighter in Darling, Vermont, who followed tradition and pledged his love on the Kissing Bridge to ensure lifelong happiness. A few years later, he's a widower with two rambunctious boys who no longer believes in magic. But even he has to admit that free-spirited Willow Dunaway fills him with wonder and an attraction he cannot deny. Willows come back to Darling a different girl than the one who left after high school. Overcoming her past and owning her own business has made her into a strong, independent woman. Single dad Ethan appeals to her in a way she didn't expect, even though settling down is the last thing on her mind. But after fire destroys the local food bank, the town rallies, and a fling between Ethan and Willow leads to unintended consequences. Can they find a way out of their heartbreak to make a home in each others hearts?

Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Darling, VT series. We get to hear the story of Willow and Ethan. Willow was my favorite character in the last book so when I heard that this books features her I was thrilled! Needless to say , I devoured this book in one sitting. Why is Willow one of my favorite fiction characters? Well, for one thing, like Willow, I love yoga and I was impressed by the author's accuracy in describing the yoga poses and how to do them. I am also a fan of black bean brownies and natural organic ingredients like they make in Willow's sandwich/coffee shop. Ethan sounds dreamy but boy is he closed off to Willow! I love the interaction between these two characters, Ethan so disapproving of her and Willow is  so , who cares it is who I am.There is some nice tension and steam between these two and I was not sure what would happen between them. It was nice to see some returning characters from the first book, I love when I get to meet characters from previous books. I admit that I am a sucker for a story where disdain and surliness between two characters turns to love and passion.  The town of Darling continues to draw me in with the quaintness and picturesque descriptions. I cannot get enough of the Gallagher family, such a boisterous and fun loving, supportive family. I am hoping that we get to hear more about this family in upcoming books.

I look forward to reading the next book in this series Somebody's Baby, actually I am on the first chapter :) I think I want to prolong my stay in Darling. VT.and visit more with the Gallaghers!This review was originally posted on Cindy's Book Binge

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  • 26 March, 2017: Reviewed