The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna by Demi

The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna

by Demi

When a peaceful kingdom is overtaken by an evil demon, the Gods send the child Krishna to the rescue. Hidden amongst the poor and peaceful cow-herds, his amazing powers can’t stay hidden from the evil demon King for long, and soon he is under attack from giant birds, a whirlwind demon, and a snake eight miles long. Will Krishna be able to defeat the evil demon King and save the people from his terrible reign? 

Find out in The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna. 

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

As a Christian I am not very familiar with Hindu deities, but I have heard of Krishna, and now through the words and beautiful artistry of Demi I can read and share this story of a Hindu savior with my children. Lately we have been adding more and more Demi picture books to our shelves for the biographies and they are enchanting. The blues of Krishna and the golds used are fabulous to look at and the story is well put together. I definitely want to add a physical copy of this one to our shelf.

I read this through an electronic galley, but I am positive in person it will only impress me more.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2013: Reviewed