Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

From reading the synopsis of Hitchhiker I could not wait to read the whole book, Ainlet was a teacher and had just donated blood at a blood drive, how would she know that just donating a little blood could change life as she knows it. She had the Hitchhiker gene which means she can basically spy on people through their eyes but the effects do not last long and there has to be a transfer of Ainsley’s blood to the person they either need to spy on or their informant. Basically it stops the informant wearing a wire so won’t get caught as a spy. She is hired by an FBI team who are almost closed down to help with a case. Each member of the team have special ‘talents’ I would not really say they were paranormal more supernatural. The person out of the team that really stuck out was Dylan the schizophrenic, but super brainy too,he was very paranoid, he could not go near Ainsley in case he got infected.

I am not going to go into the whole story as it will spoil it especially with the synopsis above.

The story was well thought out although I felt it did jump from one thing to the other, referring to the villian, and I did get lost a few times. Regardless of that it was a great read and kept me gripped.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 2 November, 2013: Reviewed