Reviewed by Angie on

5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

As soon as I heard about Treble Maker, I knew I had to read it, and I was not disappointed at all. I could not stop smiling while reading it, even writing the review, my face hurts because my cheeks will just not take a rest! Cody is hoping for his big break. He's auditioned for every singing competition ever, and has somehow ended up in an a capella group for Perfect Harmony. He doesn't care though. He knows he has a great voice, and he's in it to win it. He also has his sights on the clumsy bass from another group, Lucas, but doesn't expect anything real to come from that.

Treble Maker just made me very happy. I don't read a lot of M/M Romance, but knowing there's gems like this out there makes me want to read more! Cody and Lucas are super adorable! And sexy! Sexy and adorable! Lucas is just so unsure of himself, especially when his group is eliminated, but he's picked up by Cody's group since they need a new bass singer. He's also taken a purity pledge. His parents are alright with him being gay, but they are absolutely not alright with "typical" gay behavior (i.e. promiscuity). But Lucas has needs! And fantasies! And a kink! And Cody lets him play out all of his fantasies and helps him not feel guilty about it! And holy hell, the sex scenes are hot! And varied! And many! Good gosh.

I really don't know what to say about Treble Maker other than I loved it to pieces. The competition angle was really fun too, especially since it's so underhanded! But the romance! My heart! I believed them! Cody may have started out just toying with the sweet, Christian boy, but it developed into feelings! It gave me feelings! Lucas going from being so scared of being himself to embracing himself and his relationship with Cody was wonderful! I also found the whole thing about his conservative parents being LGBT allies--but also pushing them to have conservative values--very interesting. It's not an angle I've seen before. But...aaahhh! Cody and Lucas! My heart might explode from loving them so much!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 June, 2015: Reviewed