The Geeky Chef Cookbook by Cassandra Reeder

The Geeky Chef Cookbook (Geeky Chef)

by Cassandra Reeder

Geek out with recipes inspired by books, movies, television, and video games!

You've conquered comic con. You binge watch Star Wars regularly. Now, it's time to get your geek on in the kitchen!

Cassandra Reeder loves to cook, and she's a bona-fide mega-geek. Comic-lover, avid gamer, and sci-fi and fantasy lover, she started The Geeky Chef in 2008. She creates real-life recipes for all the delicious foods you've seen in your favorite sci-fi and fantasy movies, TV shows, and video games. From Game of Thrones and the Hunger Games to Doctor Who, the Legend of Zelda and the World of Warcraft, this book features over 60 recipes and photos that you can re-create right in your own home for the geek in your life. Finally learn to create Butterbeer and Pumpkin Pasties from Harry Potter. Indulge in the Lemon Cakes from Game of Thrones. Sip from a bowl of Plomeek Soup from Star Trek and enjoy with Peeta's Cheesy Bread from the Hunger Games right in your kitchen! Fantasy foods are fantasy no longer...

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Geeky Chef Cookbook is one of a pair of fandom based recipe collections by Cassandra Reeder, the Geeky Chef. Originally published in 2015, this second edition, released 14th April 2020 by Quarto on their Race Point imprint, is 160 pages and available in hardcover and ebook formats.

I am really impressed and mildly amazed at the broad array of food from a very broad array of literary and cultural icons as disparate as Babylon5, Discworld, TMNT, Hunger Games, Zelda, HP, Minecraft and so many more.

The recipes themselves are easy to read and understand. They include a header bar along with prep info, yields and a description. Ingredients are listed bullet point in a sidebar. Measurements are given in US standard measures with metric measures in parentheses. Preparation instructions are enumerated step by step. Substitutions and alternative preparation or serving information are given in a footer bar at the end of the recipe.

The book includes a cross referenced index which lists individual ingredients (and authors/literary references). The photography and illustration included in the book are -wonderful-, and the nerdy geeky commentary is amazing. The author is a geek, indeed.

Really really worthwhile effort and a great collection. This would elevate the next D&D or LAN or geeky movie night, or book club (when we're allowed to safely gather again) to the next level for sure.

Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 6 May, 2020: Reviewed