Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

The tale unfolds in alternating chapters between Caroline Murphy the eldest daughter of Ansley and Ansley herself as she reflects on her life, deals with a full house, and has a second chance at love. Life is messy, hard and never perfect but as Harvey shares the hardships in this families lives, she also shares the wonderful blessing and moments along the way.

Caroline fled Peachtree Bluff and headed back to her roots of New York. She had a plan and until a week ago the perfect life. Very pregnant with her second child, she is shocked when her husband James announces he is in love with someone else. A someone else who just happens to be a successful young model. Unable to deal, she packs her bags and heads home. I wasn't sure of Caroline at first, she values things that don't hold as much meaning to me, but as Harvey peeled back her layers she exposed a delightfully strong, level-headed woman I could relate to.

Ansley is a strong woman who lost her husband during 9-11 and I couldn't help but admire her strength. I loved learning her history as she shared her marriage, her relationship with Jack and the children. The more Harvey shared the more I felt for and respected her. I loved the feud she has with the next door neighbor and her dealings with the community. The book offered a sense of community and welcomes readers with open arms.

We get to know the other sisters, but this was Caroline's story. Sloane the middle child is married to a serviceman who is deployed. With her two children in tow, she heads home at Caroline's urging. On the outside, Caroline seems like this perfectly calm military, mini-van, yoga pants loving, homeschooling Mom. But is it all an act? Emerson is a free-spirited actress whose career drives her. I am anxious to learn more about both of them.

SLIGHTLY SOUTH OF PERFECT delivers a compelling southern tale filled with secrets, love, and family all wrapped into a charming tale with humor and heart. Harvey captures the complexities of siblings, marriage, and family beautifully. I slipped into the tale and was completely at home. I loved the southern charm, the beachside setting and Ansley's secrets. THE SECRET TO SOUTHERN CHARM will share Sloane's story and continue Ansley's. I cannot wait!! This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 29 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 29 April, 2017: Reviewed