The Charm Bracelet by Emily Rodda

The Charm Bracelet (Fairy Charm S., #1) (Fairy Realm, #1)

by Emily Rodda

When Jessie searches for her ill grandmother's missing charm bracelet, she is led to a magical world and finds she has a reason and right to be there.

Reviewed by funstm on

5 of 5 stars

The Fairy Realm series are wholesome lighthearted reads featuring a secret fairy realm found through a doorway at the edge of the garden. There's magic and mythical creatures and miniature horses that talk (because what else would you find in a secret fairy realm? duh.) It's reminiscent of Shirley Barber's gorgeous picture books albeit with less impressive artwork (Shirley Barber is incredibly talented). It's a good series for tween girls. I loved this series as a kid, they were imaginative and magical and I loved every minute. I'm pretty sure this series is what started my love of charm bracelets too.

The Charm Bracelet
Great start to the series. Jessie is a very likable character - she's smart, brave and kind - for all she kind of loses it when being transported to a magical Realm with supposedly no way home. Because although panicked - she does rally and uses her practical, logical side to find out all the information she can and come up with a plan to fix things. Her plan to trick Valda to open the door by making her think she'd already gone through the door was inspired. Maybelle, Giff and Patrice were interesting and I liked the world building - even if there wasn't a whole lot in this first book. And I love that Jessie receives her own charm bracelet at the end and has collected her first charm to remember the Realm by. It's so whimsical. 5 stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 15 September, 2020: Reviewed