Reviewed by Lianne on

4 of 5 stars

J’Adore Paris is just such a fun novel to read. Catherine in a way is really living the life, from her posh apartment that she shares with her gorgeous and smart boyfriend to the Dior outfits and the amazing restaurants and eateries across the City of Lights.

It was interesting to read about the counterfeiting underworld and its consequences, how it affects the company and the economy. I haven’t read novels or watched shows that touch on this issue and it’s quite a contemporary issue that firms face these days. The reader doesn’t have to have read the previous novel, J’Adore New York, in order to understand Catherine’s backstory and her ex-boyfriend’s trial; over the course of the novel the narrative explains everything quite nicely so there wasn’t a moment where I was feeling confused about events from the past. The author does a wonderful job in balancing the glamour of the job with the serious business of the position that Catherine and Rikash hold. Not everything is fun and games and there are moments here and there where things get even pretty dangerous.

The only part about this novel that I found kind of weird was Catherine and Antoine’s argument about the eShop case. It felt awkward, especially as I’ve come to understand from Catherine and other characters that Antoine that Antoine puts her needs and her first before his own needs. Maybe I’m missing something about the nature of the argument but I felt it didn’t have to go on as long as it did. Otherwise, I enjoyed reading J’Adore Paris. I highly recommend this novel for anyone looking for a light novel set in the City of Lights.

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  • 21 September, 2013: Reviewed