Cherished by Kelly Elliott

Cherished (Wanted, #4)

by Kelly Elliott

Jessie Rhodes has been in love with Scott Reynolds for most of her life. But he ran away from her once, leaving her heartbroken.

When they find their way back to one another, things seem to fall into place, and they begin to plan their future together...

Until Scott's ex-fiancee deceives them all. With yet another broken heart, it is Jessie's turn to run away. During her retreat, she meets an intriguing man, and they form a bond that makes Jessie question everything.

Scott's world collapses when the only girl he has ever loved disappears with no word on her whereabouts. When he finally discovers where Jessie has been hiding, he also learns of her new relationship.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Cocktails

Talk about cowboys with emotions! This book has plenty of them and they aren't afraid to shed a few tears or go alpha on you at a moments notice!

CHERISHED is the story of Scott and Jessie. They have loved one another for a long time, but mistakes and fear kept them apart. Just as it seems they are about to finally get their HEA, a misinterpretation of what she sees sends Jessie running away. Her running almost destroys both of them, but ultimately it's their undying love that helps them fight their way back to each other and the HEA they deserve.

Scott and Jessie were hard not to like, especially since most of the time you just wanted to put your arms around them and tell them it will be alright. But there were times when both characters got a little too whiny. I wanted to yell at them to stop flipping crying and fight. Fight for your woman, Scott. Grow a pair instead of drowning your sorrows. Stop running, Jessie. Fight for your man. For both of them, professing how much you love the other, but yet, not really fighting or standing up for that love when the going go tough, got on my nerves. But they figured it out. It took a small army to help them get there, but they did it.

A lot happens in this book...not just with Scott and Jessie's storyline, but with visit with some of the other couples in the Wanted series. Those visits may not have moved along Scott and Jessie's story, but they sure did add some sexiness to it. It's always nice to see that couples, even after being married, since have that insatiable lust for one another. CHERISHED can be read as a stand alone, but given how many characters from the previous books are entangled in the story, it's helpful to have read them.

There are two books, soon to follow, that are for 2 sets of Wanted Series characters that I'm dying to read. One is Lark and Azurdee's story (UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ~Spring/Summer 2014) and the other is the story of two of the children we see running around in CHERISHED. I'm not going to say who they are, but I'll be on the look out for WITHOUT YOU sometime this year.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 January, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 January, 2014: Reviewed