Reviewed by Rowena on

3 of 5 stars

This was another quick read for me and it was better than I was expecting. This story follows Serena Garrison and Mark Goldsworthy as they finally get together after years and years of wanting each other. Serena is Mark’s best friend’s little cousin and the last time he saw her, she was too young to date and didn’t deserve what Mark could give her so he turned away and she went away, hurt and disgusted with him.

Now, it’s years later and they’re thrown together because they’re both working together with the Kingston brothers and Mark is just as attracted to Serena now as he was back in the day. Serena is wildly attracted to Mark still and she’s pissed at herself for that because he is not for her…at least that’s what she thought, silly girl.

Mark busted his knee and that brought his career in the NFL to an end so he’s back home, working in landscape with the Kingston brothers to 1) atone for his father’s mistakes and 2) to move on with his life after the NFL. He’s doing the best that he can but he drinks too much and Serena has definitely noticed. Serena works the real estate part of the Kingston brother’s company and her job is to show off the houses that the Kingston brothers build and sell them to the highest bidders. With Mark working the landscape jobs on each property, they run into each other often.

When Mark decides that he wants Serena, he goes after her and keeps going at her until she surrenders and while it was entertaining at times, there were times when I wanted to smack Serena upside her head. She threw tantrums that had me rolling my eyes down the street but it all ended the way that it was supposed to end and that was good but the ending felt rushed. I wish that Mark would have made Serena grovel a bit more after the way that she fled. Then there was the whole thing with the stalker guy that I couldn’t really care about. He didn’t come off as scary, more like eww creepy and annoying and when that thing came to a head, I was glad.

Overall, this book had some good points and some bad but I’m not mad that I read it. The romance between Mark and Serena was cute (even when they were driving me crazy) and I found myself mighty intrigued by the Kingston brothers, all of Serena’s cousins. I’m definitely thinking about reading the other books in this series.

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  • 31 October, 2013: Reviewed