The Haunting of Sunshine Girl by Alyssa Sheinmel, Paige McKenzie

The Haunting of Sunshine Girl (Haunting of Sunshine Girl, #1) (Sunshine Girl)

by Alyssa Sheinmel and Paige McKenzie

A New York Times bestseller Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Sunshine Griffith and her mother Kat move from sunny Austin, Texas, to the rain-drenched town of Ridgemont, Washington. Though Sunshine is adopted, she and her mother have always been close, sharing a special bond filled with laughter and inside jokes. But from the moment they arrive, Sunshine feels her world darken with an eeriness she cannot place. And even if Kat doesn't recognize it, Sunshine knows that something about their new house is just ... creepy. In the days that follow, things only get stranger. Sunshine is followed around the house by an icy breeze, phantom wind slams her bedroom door shut, and eventually, the laughter Sunshine hears on her first night evolves into sobs. She can hardly believe it, but as the spirits haunting her house become more frightening,and it becomes clear that Kat is in danger,Sunshine must accept what she is, pass the test before her, and save her mother from a fate worse than death.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 3.5 stars

This book tells the story of Sunshine, who upon moving to her new home in Washington state, starts having eerie experiences, seeing odd things, and hearing horrifying things.

I pretty much burned through this book. There is enough suspense to keep me wanting more, but towards the end -- that is where this book really hooked me, and made me want to start the next one right away. This story slowly unravels, until we get to the really cool story of what Sunshine is and what her destiny is. The ending, is all action, and the very ending!! O_o

Overall: cool story with plenty of thrills and chills, but also lots of humor too.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 25 May, 2016: Reviewed