The Enemy by Charlie Higson

The Enemy (The Enemy)

by Charlie Higson

They'll chase you. They'll rip you open. They'll feed on you...When the sickness came, every parent, policeman, politician - every adult - fell ill. The lucky ones died. The others are crazed, confused and hungry. Only children under fourteen remain, and they're fighting to survive. Now there are rumours of a safe place to hide. And so a gang of children begin their quest across London, where all through the city - down alleyways, in deserted houses, underground - the grown-ups lie in wait. But can they make it there - alive?

Reviewed by Amber on

3 of 5 stars

I've been reading this since June, technically, but I liked it! It was just a bit of a dense book.


Review here:

My uncle introduced me to zombies when I was just six years old, when we used to watch Dawn of the Dead and those old movies together. I've loved zombies ever since (well, after I realised that there weren't any waiting in the bathroom for me!) and I love that zombies have become a recurring theme in YA. This sounded like the perfect read for me.

This took me almost eight months to read, as it dragged on and on. The zombies didn't really feel like a threat in this book, and that was a little disappointing. I think that this is because the characters overpowered the zombies pretty easily, and not many characters died from zombie bites either.

I also didn't feel connected to the characters, which I think was caused by the constant switching of points of view.

That said, some of the action scenes were very well written, and the ending was great and made me want to read the rest of the series. There were some scenes involving cannibals and children, which was so, so awesome!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 March, 2012: Reviewed