Reviewed by chymerra on

5 of 5 stars

I am a huge fan of horror books. Unfortunately, I don’t review that genre because I have found that I get bored with most books. See, I was raised on Stephen King. I was reading It at 10 and The Stand at 12. It is safe to say that I hold every single horror book that I have read up to his works. Most will poo-poo me, come at me and say “Well, so and so is better“. For this girl, it’s Stephen King. I have read authors that have come close to meeting my high expectation of what horror should be. Unfortunately, most have not like I stated earlier in this paragraph. So, when Tobias Wade approached me to read and review 51 Nights, I accepted. I will admit I didn’t have high expectations.

I was wrong. This short story collection blew me out of the water. From the first story, Vicarious, I was hooked. I usually read at night, my only real free time, but I found myself picking up my Kindle during the day. I was reading while playing WoW, cooking and I even took it to my kids’ swimming lessons one day. What should have taken me 2-3 days to read, took me 1 1/2. The book was that good.

I had mentioned above that I usually read at night. Well, 51 Nights made such an impression that I was dreaming about the stories. Not good dreams either But that is the point of a horror book in my eyes. If an author can make the horror come back at you during the night or seeing certain items, then they did a great job. But if they fail to make you think about the stories outside of the book, then it is a fail. 51 Nights, for me, definitely is the first group.

I did have my favorite stories in the book. They were:

My Mother the Spider Queen. Let’s say that I will never squish or be mean to a spider again.

124 Terabyte Virus. I will not look at computer viruses the same again. I also will not ever take a bath again…lol.

How to Start your own Cult. This was creepy from beginning to the end and it was scary how one person can influence others.

Dead Man Floating. Um, yeah. Not only was the OP creepy but slugs? Gross.

My Summary of 51 Night: 5 stars

51 Nights is a bone chilling, spine tingling read. Each short story is horror personified and I loved it. I will recommend not reading at night or if you are easily frightened because this book will frighten you.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Language and violence

I would like to thank Tobias Wade for allowing me to review 51 Nights.

All opinions expressed in this review are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 16 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2017: Reviewed