The Killing Woods by Lucy Christopher

The Killing Woods

by Lucy Christopher

Emily's dad is accused of murdering a teenage girl in the woods behind
her house, the place she played in as a child. She's sure he's
innocent, but what did happen?
Determined to find out - and afraid of what she might discover -
Emily seeks out the boyfriend of the murdered girl. He also knows
these woods. Maybe they could help each other. But Damon Hillary
has his own secrets about the dangerous games that are being played
in the dark .

Reviewed by Amber on

1 of 5 stars

Having heard a lot of amazing things about Lucy Christopher's Stolen, I was very intrigued to check out her work. I hadn't planned on buying anything else by her until I had read Stolen - which has been sitting on my shelf for a good three years now - but I was sent an ARC from the publisher, followed by a finished copy, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to give her books a go.

The premise of The Killing Woods is very intriguing. Emily's father brings home a dead body, and is accused of manslaughter. The body was of Damon's dead girlfriend, and so, quite understandably, he is angry at Emily's family, especially at her father. But the two come together, and Emily insists on figuring out the truth of what happened that night. Damon was with the girl - whose name escapes me - that night, but he can't remember what happened.

Sounds good, right? I love a good mystery plot. They're usually oh-so-thrilling, and I have the chance to get my Sherlock on. Unfortunately, The Killing Woods sent me to sleep.

Full review on Books of Amber

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  • Started reading
  • 27 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2013: Reviewed