The Barrowfields by Phillip Lewis

The Barrowfields

by Phillip Lewis

"Just before Henry Aster's birth, his father -- outsized literary ambition and pregnant wife in tow -- reluctantly returns to the small Appalachian town in which he was raised and installs his young family in an immense house of iron and glass perched high on the side of a mountain. There, Henry grows up under the writing desk of this fiercely brilliant man. But when tragedy tips his father toward a fearsome unraveling, what was once a young son's reverence is poisoned and Henry flees, not to return until years later when he, too, must go home again" --

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

This gets compared to Tom Wolfe and Styron, so I should have known better. I didn’t read that comparison first. Going in blind does have its risks, although the risk is still worth it for the times it pays off.

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  • 19 October, 2018: Reviewed