Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Man, I needed to read this book. I have read a string of middle-grade books, and I was craving something more adult. So when I saw that The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove was up next on my TBR, I couldn’t wait to read it.

The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove was an exciting mix of mystery and romance. The plotline centers around a young girl, Clarissa, who is the ward of Lord Northcutt. Lord Northcutt is dying and wishes to make amends with his son, who he hasn’t seen in years. Clarissa is forced to sneak Felix in the house so he can say his final farewells. On his deathbed, Lord Northcutt reveals that he has been carrying a secret for years but passes before he could tell what it was. Curious, Clarissa starts looking into it, with the help of Felix. She soon realizes that someone is desperate to keep it from coming out and will do anything to keep it buried. At the same time, Clarissa realizes that she is falling in love with Felix. What is the secret? Will Clarissa and Felix be able to discover it and come out unscathed?

The plot for The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove got off to a slow start. I didn’t mind it, though. The author laid the backstories of Clarissa and Felix in those first few chapters. She also did a fantastic job of beginning the mystery. After those chapters, the book took off. It became a quick read for me. I couldn’t put it down because I needed to know what was going on.

I loved the setting for The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove. It takes place in Cornwall, England. I can trace my roots back to that area on my father’s side, so I was fascinated by what I read. Especially the smuggling. I had no idea that it was such a huge thing back then. I loved that the author chose to include the local dialect.

I loved Clarissa. I did feel that she was between a rock and a hard place for the first half of the book. But she dealt with everything with grace. The second half of the book showcased how strong she was. She was living with people who were idiots. She dealt with smarmy men trying to woo her. She dealt with them with grace and class that I found admirable. I did think she was headstrong at times (thinking of a particular scene on the beach).

I loved Felix. He felt awful for holding on to his anger at his father. I mean, it was justifiable, considering what his father did to his mother. But he was able to put it aside and make amends before his father died. I liked how he treated Clarissa too. He didn’t treat her like a proper young lady. He went along with her desire to find out what his father’s secret was. And he was able to protect her at the end of the book.

The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove is a clean romance. Plain and simple, that means that there is no sex. There are some kissing scenes, but that is it. Clarissa and Felix’s romance was sweet. I loved it.

There are two mysteries in The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove. One centered around Felix’s father’s secret. I loved how the author executed that. The clues were spaced out. I did guess at what the secret was but, and stress but, I wasn’t expecting the full scope of the mystery. That took me by surprise.

The other mystery is about the smugglers. Again, the author did a fantastic job of making me wonder if there were smugglers in the cove. I wasn’t surprised by what was revealed. But I was surprised at who was involved. Looking back, it made sense.

The end of The Earl of Smuggler’s Cove was explosive. The author did a great job of revealing what the secret was and if there were smugglers. What I enjoyed is that they were told almost simultaneously. It made for an epic ending. I also loved the epilogue. It made my heart go all fluttery when I read it!!

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