Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

You know, for a moment there I forgot that this whole plot arc was part of a test. I don't know if that means the whole thing is a simulation (probably), or if they managed to trick Batman into getting himself wrapped up in everything (admittedly unlikely). But I did totally forget that whatever was happening had an ulterior motive.
This was an okay issue on the whole. I liked it, and there were definitely some shining moments to it. I'm concerned about where it will go next though. Not so much the rest of the tests as much as what would happen to the series if Harley passes said tests. I'm afraid it would get a little...meta for my liking.

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  • 5 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2020: Reviewed
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  • 5 July, 2020: Reviewed