Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars

I have to say that this book is my ultimate fave in the series!

As much of a bad ass Arie is, she's got a vulnerable side. And definitely shows, why she can be the way she is. She's kept in a lot of her from what has happened to her in the past. And she has definitely held onto grudges for WAY too long, especially towards her half-sister, Palmer. Yes, of course, Arie was a complete bitch towards Palmer, but I was very happy to with their story in the end. It made my heart happy because family is family.

This book was a bit difference since there was more than one story going, it was mostly about Arie, and her story with getting past her heartbreaks and developing her relationship with Cole. I give that man major props because Arie gave him so much sh*t, but hey, love goes a long way, right?!

One thing I loved so much, is how some of the characters' past lives seemed to intertwine with each other, it's complete madness, okay, maybe it was just a couple of characters. My mind was left all over the place and it felt natural to the story, so it was transitioned in, perfectly. Well done, my dear, well done!

This book was just as I expected it to be .... amazing! This series is just awesome and encourage everyone to read it.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 October, 2013: Reviewed