The Golden Ratio by Gary B. Meisner

The Golden Ratio

by Gary B. Meisner

The Golden Ratio examines the presence of this divine number in art and architecture throughout history, as well as its ubiquity among plants, animals, and even the cosmos. This gorgeous book-with layflat dimensions that closely approximate the golden ratio-features clear, enlightening, and entertaining commentary alongside stunning full-color illustrations by Venezuelan artist and architect Rafael Araujo.

From the pyramids of Giza, to quasicrystals, to the proportions of the human face, the golden ratio has an infinite capacity to generate shapes with exquisite properties. This book invites you to take a new look at this timeless topic, with a compilation of research and information worthy of a text book, accompanied by over 200 beautiful color illustrations that transform this into the ultimate coffee table book.

Author Gary Meisner shares the results of his twenty-year investigation and collaboration with thousands of people across the globe in dozens of professions and walks of life. The evidence will close the gaps of understanding related to many claims of the golden ratio's appearances and applications, and present new findings to take our knowledge further yet.

Whoever you are, and whatever you may know about this topic, you'll find something new, interesting, and informative in this book, and may find yourself challenged to see, apply, and share this unique number of mathematics and science in new ways.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Golden Ratio is a book on mathematics, written by Gary B. Meisner, an applied math guy who kept finding instances of phi (φ) in everything from sunflowers to renaissance paintings.

From his website:
The inspiration for the site was a deepening awareness and appreciation of the beauty and design in life. The more I explored, the more I discovered that the number called Phi, or 1.6180339…, appears as a pervasive constant of design in many aspects of our existence.

This book is ostensibly aimed at the layman. That being said, it's not going to be a free ride. Much of the content covers concepts which require a modicum of effort and thought. It is enjoyable on a surface read. The illustrations and accompanying notes are appealing and historically interesting, however, the meat of the book requires some effort and probably some fiddling with pen and paper, following the proofs in the book. The description of Pythagoras and the Kepler triangle made me smile. (It's both gorgeous and elegant).

The book is arranged in chapters which introduce and develop the idea of phi, explain the golden ratio and progress to a discussion of occurrences of the golden ratio in art, mathematics, biology, engineering, and astronomy amongst others. The text is accompanied by illustrations and stock photography which support and illustrate the examples. The book ends with appendices, a bibliography and further reading list along with notes from the author, image credits and acknowledgements and finishes with a cross referenced index.

This edition was released 18th Sept 2018 by Quarto's Race Point imprint, it's 224 pages and available in hardcover (and possibly ebook) formats.

Four stars for the engaging text and enthusiastic prose along with the lovely illustrations. The author's passion for the subject shines throughout the book.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 13 October, 2018: Reviewed