Reviewed by Risa Nichols on

4 of 5 stars

Let me just begin my review by saying this: I'm not a fan of erotica. I LOVE romance, but if the book is nothing but sex–especially hardcore kink–then I tend to avoid it like the plague. However, this book surprised me. With that being said, did I skip over most of the sex scenes? Not going to lie, I did, simply because it's not for me. But the bottom storyline was intriguing enough to keep me going, and I have to admit that I don't regret reading it.

I tend to be drawn in by the paranormal genre, so I was immediately fascinated by the storyline, and it was so different from other things I've read that I didn't feel like I was just recycling one book for another. When I first began reading this novella, I was very put off by the initial sex scene. Like I said previously, I don't really like erotica, and it was just too much for me. But the heroine of this novella, Victoria, has such a hysterical sense of humor and the story was so unlike anything else I've read that I couldn't put it down until I finished. The last scene of the two of them together was too much for me as someone who doesn't generally enjoy erotica, but the writing was good and with it being two different writers, it was impressive to see that the storyline didn't seem stilted and flowed just as easily as it would with one author. Kudos for that, for sure.

Also, holy cliffhanger! I am looking forward to finishing Monte and Victoria's story, and I'm definitely curious how it's going to continue, though I'm sure I'll have to put my blinders on for some of it :P

If you're a fan of erotic fiction (especially paranormal), I would be willing to bet you would love this novella.

I received a copy of this novel from the author for an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are mine.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 8 April, 2016: Reviewed