Reviewed by Jordon on

4 of 5 stars

I loved this. Like absolutely loved this!

Finally I get to read a YA series about a zombie apocalypse which features NORMAL PEOPLE. And by NORMAL PEOPLE I simply mean the main character isn't an older male that either used to be in the military, or has spent half of his life preparing for the zombie apocalypse because he knew it had to happen sometime.

The main character is a high school cheerleader that had never fired a gun before let alone killed someone until she was forced to to save her own life. She had to learn how to use a gun, she had learn how to survive, she was completely unprepared when the zombie apocalypse hit. I loved this. I was able to connect to her and this story a whole lot more since she just feels so normal.

I will definitely be following along with this enovella series! And the fact this is an enovella series just blows my mind. I love it!

Miss Book Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2013: Reviewed