Some Like It Scottish by Patience Griffin

Some Like It Scottish (Kilts and Quilts, #3)

by Patience Griffin

In the delightful new Kilts and Quilts novel by the author of To Scotland with Love and Meet Me in Scotland, the Real Men of Scotland are waiting. And it’s a match made in Gandiegow…

Kit Woodhouse’s matchmaking business is such a success, she’s expanding to the Highlands of Scotland where the hot, prosperous, and kilted are anxious to connect. Now, looking to fill her stable with eligible bachelors, Kit’s arrived in Gandiegow to recruit potential Real Men of Scotland. It’s not until she meets her tour guide that she discovers just how real they can be.

With his sexy grin, jeans, and black wellies, Ramsay Armstrong is an unpolished hulk of a Scottish fisherman—and a skeptic when it comes to romance. Not exactly a man of “pairing attributes” when talking marriageable matches, but he does make Kit’s heart beat a little faster. Maybe it’s the scent of the sea in his hair. Maybe it’s the challenge. Maybe it’s the thrill of the unexpected. Then again, maybe it’s love.

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

3 of 5 stars

I enjoyed most of the story and tried not to nitpick too much. Such as if she was a successful business woman, she wouldn't have risked what little savings she had on coming to Scotland unless her contracts were more secure. She also would have not been able to laugh off his attempts to sabotage her livelihood, knowing her failure could bankrupt her and her family. She would have forced his brother to drive her around or repay her the monies she had given for chauffeuring her around.

Be back shortly with a full review.


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  • Started reading
  • 11 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 11 January, 2016: Reviewed