The Wicked Awakening of Anne Merchant by Joanna Wiebe

The Wicked Awakening of Anne Merchant (V Trilogy)

by Joanna Wiebe

Behind every secret lurks one much darker...

Thrust back into the cryptic world of Cania Christy, Anne Merchant finds herself tangled in a mystic plot she can't escape. Eerie visions haunt her. Whispers of her nefarious past vex her. But it's not until Ben Zin is forced to compete for the Big V—with a vengeful guardian to assure his failure—that she faces the reality of life in a world ruled by wickedness: she must embrace her inner demons to help those she loves. Hoping the ends will justify the means, Anne starts down a slippery slope that, if she lets temptation guide her, could lead her straight to the underworld.

Reviewed by meowstina on

2 of 5 stars

I received an advance reader’s copy through Goodreads’s Giveaways in exchange for an honest review.

The first book in this series is just on the cusp of overly strange, but I felt like it was leading to a good place, so I do like that book. The school and world uncovered is a little messed up but very unique and intriguing, and I was interested to see how Anne’s story was continued. Alas, this second installment went a little too over the edge for me. I started to accept some of the fantasy elements even though things became increasingly horrifying, but funnily enough it’s her obsession with Ben and the insta-intense-love that turns me off. I like the romance to be earned, and in this case the sacrifice does not equal the level of love they have. But hey, I’m not a romantic. Also, Anne’s decisions and how she instantly overreacts and jumps to conclusions detracted from my enjoyment of the book too. The story, if it’s possible, gets even more crazy than the last book, and I’m not quite sure if I knew what was going on near the end to be honest. If you’re looking for an intense and original dark fantasy story, though, this series has all of that.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 May, 2016: Reviewed