Four of today’s most popular authors push passion and intrigue to the limit in this collection of four original novellas—including the story that began the Drake Sisters series...
“Magic in the Wind” by #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan
In the sleepy coastal town of Sea Haven early retirement turns deadly for a defense expert—until a beautiful woman steps between him and his assassins...
“Hot August Moon” by international bestselling author Katherine Sutcliffe
An FBI profiler can see into the mind of a French Quarter killer targeting prostitutes—but not into the heart of the detective she must trust with her life...
“After Midnight” by #1 New York Times bestselling author Fiona Brand
Sometimes one glance is all it takes. And sometimes all it takes is one man to tear apart what fate—and desire—have brought together...
“Only Human” by #New York Times bestselling author Eileen Wilks
Investigating a series of grisly murders, a San Diego detective is caught off guard by the enigmatic man who can help her find the killer...
The first story in this collection is by Christine Feehan's Magic in the Wind, a prequel to her Drake Sisters stories. Sarah is a security specialist; Damon is a man dealing with a lot of guilt. He is going to have to accept her powers to save himself.
Katherine Sutcliffe's Hot August Moon is the story of a profiler who can see in to the mind of a serial killer, she's also torn with the man who is helping her, one of the detectives on the case. This one was interesting and made me want to read more of that series.
Fiona Brand's After Midnight has Jane O'Reilly dealing with coming to terms with her husband's death from cancer, her growing attraction to Michael Rider, a local cop, and a killer, who looks like it could be Michael.
Eileen Wilks Only Human is a short story variation on her full novel Tempting Danger, that I've read before this. An interesting story of Werewolf politics and police investigation into strange murders.
Not a bad collection, no real stand-out story but readable.
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18 October, 2009: