Woodrose Mountain by Raeanne Thayne

Woodrose Mountain (Hope's Crossing, #2)

by Raeanne Thayne

Seeking a quieter life, physical therapist Evie Blanchard puts her plans on hold when single dad Brodie convinces her to help his injured daughter, Taryn, and she finds it hard to keep an emotional distance from Brodie and Taryn.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This was a book that I wanted to love. Generally small town romances where the most eligible bachelor somehow ends up with the most unlikely woman in town appeal to me. But this one, despite the excellent storyline, left me wanting a bit more.

Evie Blanchard left a thriving physical therapy practice in California and is rebuilding her life in Hope's Crossing as a beader. She's quirky and loves the slower paced, outdoorsy life that she now has. Hope's Crossing is helping to heal her wounded heart. But the strides she taken to get that peaceful place are soon tested when her good friend uses her influence to talk Evie into help her son with the physical therapy of his daughter, Taryn.

Brodie Thorne will do whatever it takes to make sure his daughter can recover from a tragic car accident to the best of her ability. That mean getting her the best therapist money can buy. It also means working closely with the one woman that manages to irritate him and attract him at the same time.

While working with Taryn and fighting their mutual attraction, they soon discover that there is much more to the other person and find that they may be what the other needs.

As I said above, I loved the storyline with Evie working with Taryn as her Physical Therapist. The author was able to capture both Evie and Taryn's frustrations and joys as they worked together to rehab Taryn. Add in the Brodie element and how he effects the therapy and it was quite an engaging story.

Where the story fell flat for me was in the romance department. While not the main part of the book, it still there to make an impression and it fell short (in my opinion). Evie and Brodie couldn't stand the other. Great. They are forced to work together for the benefit of Taryn. Even better. A few stolen (and somewhat tame) kisses later, they were swearing each other off. Days later, declaring their love. It felt like the romance was just thrown in there so there was one. I couldn't connect with Evie and Brodie as a couple and would rather have had them fighting over Taryn's care then getting romantic with each other.

For anyone that likes to read sweet, small town romance stories, this would probably be a book that you thoroughly enjoy. For me, it fell short in the romance department, but I still enjoyed the premise.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 23 April, 2012: Reviewed