Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I went into Sloth with really high expectations. There's a secret! I love secrets! I want to know this secret! I tried guessing as the story unfolded and was way off base, which was great. Except, the secret is kind of disappointing. I probably built it up too much though. Sloth and R have been writing letters to each other for years, but have never met. Then the letters stop. Sloth aka Cleo goes about her life at college until she meets Kellan and he flips her world upside down.

Sloth was a great read. I did have a bit of trouble warming up to Cleo though. She's a drug dealer, which isn't the problem. The problem was that she complains about growing up poor and wanting to give her younger sister money so she can also go away to college. But then she spends all of her weed money on Mahnolo Blanik and Gucci and whines when she's going to come up short from previous weeks. Are you serious? I cannot feel sorry for her for being broke because she splurges on designer clothes rather than saving for her sister like she claims to be doing. And of course losing her supplier is what forces her into Kellan's path in the first place. At least things got better from there.

Sloth is sexy! That's probably the weirdest sentence I have typed, but it's true. Kellan and Cleo have instant chemistry and are amazing together in the bedroom! Things get quite kinky between them, but not as extreme as I expected from the description. She didn't even need a safe word for what they were doing, so that was odd. But those two do go at it like rabbits! Even when the story takes a very different turn, they keep it going!

After the big reveal, Sloth did kind of feel like a completely different story. It's really long for an Erotic Romance too, which added to that feeling. The first half or so is all super sexy, and Cleo slowly putting the pieces together about Kellan and her missing pen pal. Then Kellan's secret comes out and the tone changes. There's still plenty of sex, but there's a more somber tone. It's still very good, but I wasn't as invested in that part as I was in the beginning.

I did enjoy Sloth a lot even though it ended up being nothing like I expected it to be! The twist did surprise me, although I probably didn't have the expected reaction. But I was set on it being something completely....not that.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 22 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 November, 2015: Reviewed