Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I wasn’t entirely sure what to think of this story when I got it. The title made it sound kind of cheesy, but WOW! I was pleasantly surprised. From start to finish, this short story has more steam than some of the romance novels I’ve read in the past.

Vi is a beautiful multi-millionaire that probably has way more money than she knows what to do with. She lives VERY well in a Miami penthouse, and feels as though she needs people waiting on her hand and foot. So when a “domestic agency” sends someone to be her new butler, she never expects it to be the hunky Clarkson. The moment they meet one another, their chemistry is undeniable, and they both know they’re in for plenty of erotic treats. Their relationship is simple, cut and dry. It’s business during the day, but at night, anything goes. It’s during one night that Clarkson decides to take control of the situation and open Vi up to a brand new sexual experience. He brings in her personal chef, Michel, and Vi has the pleasure of experiencing two gorgeous men at the same time. HOT STUFF.

The characters in this story are what you’d expect – beautiful, arrogant and they know how to pleasure themselves and each other. The story itself is pretty fast-paced, as it is a short story. Which was actually a slight disappointment. I would have liked to read more! But, it’s one piece of an anthology of stories. The rest of them are just as hot and just as entertaining. This is definitely a great book to have to add even more heat to your already hot summer nights.

THE BUTLER DID IT reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books

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  • 30 June, 2013: Reviewed