The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan

The Dark and Hollow Places (Forest of Hands and Teeth, #3)

by Carrie Ryan

THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH introduced us to Mary and took us into her world - a world where decades after The Return mankind is hanging on to survival surrounded by the endless hordes of the undead; the Unconsecrated. A novel of extraordinary power and imagination, FOREST took you to the centre of a terrible future and showed you that even there the hardest decisions are the decisions of the heart. A companion novel, THE DEAD TOSSED WAVES, followed in Spring 2010 and this novel will continue Ryan's superb story. Perfect for readers looking for their next injection of supernatural thrills and dread, the series has already proved to be a word-of-mouth sensation, powered by extraordinary internet activity.

Reviewed by Joni Reads on

5 of 5 stars

Wow. Who would have thought a lover of contemporary fiction would fall in love with a post apocalyptic trilogy of books so much? I preordered this book. Which is big. I NEVER preorder books. I never pay for than $10 bucks for a book. Even Sarah Dessen books, and she is my favorite author in the entire world. And yet, I won a $50 dollar amazon gift card and I preordered this book without a second thought. That is how much I wanted to read it. And man, did it live up to expectations.
I don't know what it is about this trilogy but it's so believable. And in reading this book in particular, it made me take a look around the city where I live and wonder how well my area would fare when and if The Return were to hit. It's a scary thought.
In this book, the final in the series *tear*, Annah has been living in The Dark City for three years waiting for Elias to return. She lives her days just hoping for survival until she meets a boy named Catcher. Catcher makes her feel things she has not felt since the morning Elias left. But Annah is scarred by her past and she does not trust easily. When The Horde hits the city and there is no where to run but to the recruiters, who are known for their sadistic nature, will Annah be able to continue her path of survival?
I hated closing this book. I hated putting it down. I regretted getting to the last page. I wanted it to last forever. I want to keep these characters with me. I would gladly read a fourth book, although I know there will not be one. I secretly hope for one. I am not ready to let go of this series yet. Even if you are not a fan of zombies and post apocalyptic books, READ THIS TRILOGY. Give it a chance! You will love it!

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  • 1 April, 2011: Finished reading
  • 1 April, 2011: Reviewed