Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson

Blackmoore (Proper Romance)

by Julianne Donaldson

Having decided she will never marry, Kate Worthington plans to escape her meddlesome family by travelling to India. Her mother agrees on the condition that she gets--and rejects--three marriage proposals. To fulfill her end of the bargain Kate travels to the manor of Blackmoore in northern England, where her plans go awry.

Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

This book is part of Shadow Mountain’s Proper Romance line, which they are marketing as a clean romance line.
Julianne truly knows how to write a beautiful romance. I loved her first published book, Edenbrooke. It was at the top of my favorite reads of 2012. Blackmoore is going to be at the top of my favorite reads for 2013. One of the ways I judge a book is how I felt after reading it. Well, I felt absolute joy and fulfillment! It would be best to describe reading Blackmoore as, taking a long, emotional journey, with many twists and turns, and finally happily arriving at your destination finding all is well.

Julianne's writing can only be described as lyrical. So many times the words you are reading feel like a beautiful Serenade that is being played. Here is an example from one of my favorite chapters.

( And then, a new sound, and I felt Carson go still beside me. I looked at Henry, with wide eyes, as the air was filled with a high haunting song. A piercing, downward spiral of notes that ended in melancholy before beginning again and again.
"There he is." Carson whispered. "Woodlark."
I closed my eyes and breathed deeply and let the birdsong fill my soul with melancholy and heartache and beauty. And when it ended, I pressed a hand to my chest, making sure my heart was still in one piece, before opening my eyes. I had to blink away tears, and I turned my head to see Henry, to make sure he had heard it too.
Henry was watching me, and I saw in his eyes the same thing I felt in my own heart. I saw the heartache and beauty.
He leaned toward me, and his breath brushed my neck, sending a shiver down my spine as he whispered in my ear, "What do you think of your birdsong?"
I paused, feeling my heart swell with so much emotion I wondered how I would be able to contain it all. "It was..." I shook my head. "It was the most hauntingly beautiful thing I have ever heard."
His gaze swept over my face, his eyes looking like a reflection of my heart, all dammed emotion threatening to overflow. "Yes," he said, his voice low, only for my ears. "Hauntingly beautiful." He reached up and brushed away the hair that had fallen over my eyes, with a gentle touch and a familiarity that awakened and startled me. "That is exactly what I was thinking." )

It is amazing to me how she can convey so much emotion with just one touch from a character. It is this way throughout the whole book.

Kate/Kitty/Katherine is a wonderful character. She is hurting from the lack of family love. She has a horrid mother and selfish sisters and a father that is emotionally not there. Her younger brother is the only redeeming family member. Kate is searching to break free of the confinement of her situation at home. Her only beauty in life is found in her friendship with her friend, Henry. I also loved everything about Henry, especially with his choices to stand strong and firm at the end. Kate undergoes many changes in the book.
Kate's feelings and inner strength slowly unfolds like petals of a blooming rose.

Suffice it to say, but I loved Blackmoore! This is a 5 star book, with a romance that will linger with you for a long time. You must read this book and be carried away to Regency England and the ocean surrounded moors. I know I will be revisiting Blackmoore again and again.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 September, 2013: Reviewed