The Taking by Kimberly Derting

The Taking (Taking Trilogy, #1)

by Kimberly Derting

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer meets The Fifth Wave in this chilling and explosive new series from author Kimberly Derting. The last thing Kyra Agnew remembers is a flash of bright light. She awakes to discover that five whole years have passed. Everyone in her life has moved on-her parents are divorced, her boyfriend is in college and dating her best friend-but Kyra's still the sixteen-year-old she was when she vanished. She finds herself drawn to Tyler, her boyfriend's kid brother, despite her best efforts to ignore this growing attraction. In order to find out the truth, the two of them decide to retrace her steps from that fateful night. They discover that there are others who have been "taken," just like Kyra. But Kyra is the first person to have been returned past the forty-eight-hour taken mark. With a determined secret government agency after her, Kyra desperately tries to find an explanation and reclaim the life she once had ...but what if the life she wants back is not her own?

Reviewed by Kelly on

4 of 5 stars

The Taking was even better than I had anticipated, considering most of the early reviews I had read weren't so favorable, usually that's a sure sign that it'll be something I'd enjoy. It wasn't the characters, although Tyler was adorable, it wasn't the theme as aliens have been covered time and time again. It was the intrigue. I love a good mystery and The Taking provided me with a fun and entertaining storyline, in which the reader will discover Kyra's world just as she does. With caution and skepticism. I really enjoyed the scenario that Kimberly Derting created, teens taken, returned and left to wonder why. I enjoyed both The Pledge series and Body Finders and yet again I've found another Derting series that I'll be eagerly awaiting.

But there are a standout issues with the storyline, the romance between Kyra and Tyler. The last time Kyra had seen Austin's younger brother, he was only twelve years old. Now he's seventeen, she's twenty one but hasn't aged a day over sixteen and within days, she's fallen in love. Umm, no. It's creepy. The other being Kyra's refusal to accept that Austin and her best friend are now together. I understand that she's only sixteen both mentally and physically, but surely she couldn't have expected her friends and family to not go on with their lives and the only reason she seems to come to terms with what she feels is Austin's betrayal, is Tyler. Even though she seemed to fight the attraction, the romance fell flat, not only due to the disturbing age difference before Kyra was taken, but she replaced the one she couldn't have, with the brother who was conveniently there.

But regardless, it was brilliant. I really enjoyed it and look forward to the next installment in the series.

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  • 1 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 May, 2014: Reviewed