Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

5 of 5 stars

I heard a buzz, so I closed my eyes and went with the flow.

***4.5 Stars***

This book cover started popping up everywhere. Lev was the book everyone was talking about. I didn't know who wrote it, what it was about or even how long it was (novel or novella?). Sometimes I just get a feeling in my gut that tells me to just go for it. So I did. I don't always have success, but sometimes I get the sort of gem that reminds me why I love reading romance. This was a rough cut diamond.

The story starts with us meeting Mina at her lowest. She's been living on the streets for seven years, but this felt like the end for her. Going days without food had left her weak and her judgment poor. It was do or die and she wanted to live. Her first attempt was unsuccessful and made her feel even worse. She comes across a bar and decides to try her hand at flirting with a man, hoping he'd be drunk enough to not notice the couple of dollars missing it would take to feed her. Flirting was the best decision she ever made. Without getting a chance to bat an eyelash she was under the scrutiny of Lev.

Lev saw the little mouse of a woman walk into his bar. He can't take his eyes off her. She's a scrawny little thing with the face of an angel. He watches her watch the men trying to work out what she'll do. His perseverance pays off when he sees her commit a crime. He follows and confronts her, hears her story and decides to keep his little mouse for himself.

I really enjoyed Lev and Mina together. They are a perfect match for each other's special needs. Mina needs some help to get on her feet and Lev is looking for someone to understand him, support him and let him do what he has to do. From the very start they seem to be intuitive to each other's needs and acted without much thought, so the other benefited. I enjoyed seeing them both grow.

The family dynamics were great and I loved meeting them all...the goodies and the baddies. We even got to catch up with the guys from The White Rabbit that we met in the Friend-Zone series. Turns out Nik and the boys are cousins to Lev, Sasha and Nas.

I did take off a half star for the few spelling and grammar issues and because some of the plot points seemed a little farfetched.

I really enjoyed reading Lev. There were some very intense scenes. Some were the sort that left you with a big goofy grin on your face, some that made me angry and some that brought a tear to my eye. All of it was good.

I hope Belle Aurora has plans to gives us Alessio, Cora, Sasha, Nas, Vik and Anika's stories soon.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2015: Reviewed