King of Code by CD Reiss

King of Code (King of Code, #1)

by CD Reiss

From New York Times Bestselling author, CD Reiss, comes an all new, sexy tale of secrets, intrigue, betrayal, and a love worth crossing a continent for.

Taylor Harden is a man on the edge.
The edge of fame. The edge of untold wealth.
The edge of utter humiliation.

He built an unhackable system, and in front of everyone, it's hacked. 

His reputation goes from king to goat in a split second. Boom. Like that.

Some dude in Barrington, USA (AKA Nowhere) has locked down Taylor's code, and if he doesn't get it back, he's going to be wearing a monkey suit for the rest of his life.

Except, this guy? This hacker from Nowhere? He's not a guy. 

Harper Watson's all woman. And she has a plan for Taylor, his code, and his body.


King of Code is the first book in a new series of standalones.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Taylor Harden is the "King of Code".  A hacker who turned those skills into a profitable company.  So when his precious system is taken down he's determined to find out who did it and make them pay.  He didn't know this hacker was going to turn his entire world around.

Harper Watson was desperate to save her hometown.  A town her family made and slowly destroyed.  While she and her sister what they could for the townspeople left behind, she made the ultimate decision to hack the 'unhackable' and get him to her little town in hopes of saving it.

This was a hard story for me to get into.  I loved the premise of the story, but I couldn't connect with the characters.  Taylor and Harper didn't seem to have the kind of chemistry that would make me believe their romance.  They lacked passion or an intimacy that would have me believing this was a couple I needed to get behind.  I generally love CD Reiss' character because of them being quirky, flawed and realistic.  But these two didn't work for me.

Taylor and Harper together may not have worked for me, but the secondary characters kept my attention.  I'm interested in what might come next from the next books in this series based on these characters.  

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  • Started reading
  • 5 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 5 September, 2017: Reviewed