Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Escaping Reality by Rachel Skatvold

Sometimes you must get lost to be found

My rating is 4.5 stars

Addie was lost. Hopelessly, irrevocably lost. (Ok, irrevocably isn’t really valid because she did get unlost, but it sounds good, so we’ll go with that!) Her GPS had failed her and now her car was stuck and it was starting to rain. Then her heel broke off and her designer shoes were coated with mud. Could things get much worse? They could!

I love the way this story started and that Addie and Logan didn’t have a very good first meeting. It was totally the spoiled city girl meets handsome cowboy as a damsel in distress scenario, only it wasn’t. Addie wasn’t really spoiled – she was broken. Devastated by her cheating fiancé, all she wanted was a place to escape to and regroup.

The characters were great! Not just Addie and Logan but all of them, really. Well, except for the scumbag ex. I liked the way that the author set things up for several more stories in this series already. I’m already trying to figure out how things will ever work out for Bella – I guess I’ll have to find out in a couple weeks when I read her story in Chasing Embers which will tell her story. Be sure to check back on August 23 for my review, the blog tour and giveaway.

Back to the story. While there were some expected things, the kind that are really necessary for this genre, the story was original and fun. And tender and sweet. I loved Gramps and the heart that he had for his family and especially for the Lord. While he loved to fish, he was also a fisher of men.

I’ll let you in on a secret. When I picked this up to read, I thought I recognized the author’s name from another book – but I was wrong. This is the first of her books I’ve read. I’m not sorry at all, though and know it will not be the last!

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I would like to thank Celebrate Lit for giving me a copy of this book. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 13 August, 2018: Reviewed