Shooting Stars: Ice by V C Andrews

Shooting Stars: Ice

by V C Andrews

Ice Goodman, a troubled young girl, must draw on her extraordinary singing voice to escape the tragedy, deception, and her mother's jealousy that threaten to destroy her world. Original.

Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

3 of 5 stars

VC Andrews has always been a favorite of mine since my childhood days. I have read (and re-read) all of her books, and although I am much older now and find that some of her work is better than others, I still enjoy the twists and turns, strangeness and mystery that continues to captivate my interest.
With that being said - it might also explain why I find the ghostwriter's quality of work lacking and less memorable than Andrews true writing, especially with the newer, more modern series.

If your looking for a quick read that you can probably finish than give it a shot, but if you're looking for a timeless piece of work that will make your heart race and leave you speechless - read VC Andrews' original stories.

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  • 15 March, 2014: Reviewed